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Confindustria Siracusa    Confindustria Siracusa Piccola Industria

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Venerdì 12 ottobre 2018

Informazioni di contatto

Referente: Giuseppe Farruggio
Via Benedetto Croce n. 11 Città Giardino - Melilli

Profilo attività

Terziario Innovativo

SB SETEC is an engineering and contracting company operating since 1970 in the field of industrial plants.

We are a private company based in Siracusa, in the middle of the most important Oil & Gas area in Italy.

We have been operating in the Oil & Gas and Refining industries for more than 40 years, and have gained significant experience in the design and supply of turnkey Plants.

We can manage every project phase, from the conceptual project idea up to commissioning, including EPC contracts and Turn Around Management.

Through integration of our skills, SB SETEC is today also an environmental engineering company, providing professional design services for all types of environmental interventions.

SB SETEC has a permanent infrastructure, which includes engineers, planners, technicians, specialists and designers.

Our company is provided with well-equipped offices, meeting rooms, conference room, parking and green spaces with a total covered area of 5000 sq. mtrs.

Galleria fotografica

Play Stop
  • Image2
  • Image5
  • fcc 2014
  • 1
  • Ingresso Ram_dopo
  • prima
  • durante
  • dopo
  • proget
  • Civil works
  • 3D model of the aquifer clay bed
  • results of the barrier simulation
  • Aquitard-top and watertable of one aquifer
  • Zubair-1NUNZIO
  • Immagine4

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Per qualsiasi informazione è possibile contattare:
 0931 753388
 0931 759028
 Confindustria Siracusa - Viale Scala Greca n. 282